Friday, August 28, 2015

Patterns, learning how to teach myself to improve on myself

Finding a rhythm in how you work the most effectively at anything that you have to do on a repeated basis seems to have a lot of merit. At least it does to me right now.

This is important because of how things seem to cycle in and out of a persons life. Now each person is different but I believe it is easy to draw some universal elements out of what I am saying. In the last week things got really really busy for about two days then settled down to a normal level, when they where at there peak of course a bunch of family and personal stuff kicked off as well.

Recognizing that this is a thing and seeing that getting really busy will also contribute to family stuff being more stressful because of the busy nature of the mindset already being worked to an extreme.

I have some really great examples in my life right now of people coming with multiple stress patterns at extreme levels and dealing with everything calmly and correctly. It has helped me be able to have success doing the same thing and really know what my own levels are and when I am tapped out and how much is my limit. Which is exciting because a I read something the other day that said that, "you can't pass your limits until you know what they are". This of course, has been very true for me lately and is part of the success of everything that is going on right now.

Just started on a new partnership relationship with an exciting company today, majority vote by partnership. Yesterday made a contact with a new company who will help execute on some projects coming down the pipeline.

Really, these patterns of work and growth are part of a greater pattern recognition in knowing the area's that I needed to learn more about myself in that where on my mind two years ago. I knew I needed to grow and so I took some chances and forced the situations to be the highest likelihood to teach me the things I needed to know.

Early on in my life I didn't realize that this was a purposeful thing but it has been deliberate more and more since my early 20's. Now it is part of my habits, to see an area that I am in need of change and engineer the world around me to maximize my ability to successfully change to meet that goal.

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